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Meet the Twitter crew:


Science Officer


Katerina is of Russian decent, and has an accent so heavy you could drop it on a cartoon coyote. Her hobbies include being serious and attempting to blow up Rimmer's hard drive by nuclear fusion. She is  professional, analytical and strikes a delicate balance between scientific genius and arrogance. Katerina sees her 'ultimate' job as looking after Lister, and she takes that - as you can imagine - very seriously. During her time in the Twittersphere Katerina has discovered an uncharacteristic fondness for 'cooking'. However, eating the results of her culinary endavours is considered an 'extreme sport' by the Dwarfers; if you see Katerina enter the kitchen, we advise all lifeforms this side of the Theta Sector to climb into their biosuits, cradle a small child and read the in-flight manual.


Katerina's Pushpage: â€¦




Kryten 2X4B-523P is a 4000 series mechanoid currently serving on-board the JMC mining ship Red Dwarf. Kryten lives a full and relatively interesting life, spending his days in the domestic bliss that can only come from serving the last-known survivor of the human race; Mr David Lister. His favourite past-times include ironing, mopping, dusting, cooking curry, quantum mechanics and perfecting the art of turning urine recyc into a paletable wine that doesn't leave you with a moustache that you can only remove with turps. Thanks to Mr Lister, Kryten has learnt to break his programming and can now lie, cheat and be offensive (obviously within sensible preset parameters). Since October 2012, a freaky alternative reality version of Captain Bog-Bot has been strutting his funky stuff on the limited text character, social media networking forum, more commonly known as Twitter. If you're hosting a towel folding competition to the death, or have an inconvenient white hole spewing time back into your particular part of the universe, just tweet #TeamSmeg's very own meat tenderiser head: Krytie!


Kryten's Website:

Kryten's Pushpage: 


Tenth Generation AI hologrammatic computer


All right dudes? What happening. I have an IQ of 6000, that's the same IQ as 6000 One Direction fans. You will most likely find me talking to Dave or playing chess with Cat. I also enjoy Starbug adventures with Kryten. If I were to describe myself in three words it would be: smart, funny and sexy. I am currently working out a way back to Earth, but - don’t tell anyone on the Dwarf - we're a bit lost. Need some directions to the nearest possible McDonalds. Failing that, Subway. I also have the greatest looking followers ever on twitter. Peace out.


Holly's Pushpage:


Team Smeg are a group of Red Dwarf fans on Twitter; everyone is welcome and it's basically an excuse to have a few laughs, quote some Red Dwarf and all round silly shenanigans...all with the very best of intentions and a healthy dollop of double entendre.


To help steer Team Smeg through the Twittershere, we have a crew almost as ecelctic as the alternative Red Dwarf crew, who we believe - in your dimension - are actually characters from a TV show. Weird.

Every year Team Smeg have the opportunity to vote in a variety of smeggy categories in our very own red carpet awards ceremony called 'The Smegs'.  The Twitter crew pull out all the stops for The Smegs; Kryten makes corn-fed space weevil vol au vents, Lister wears his t-shirt with just the two curry stains on, Katerina works out the physics of getting a 50ft urine recyc fountain into the cargo bay, Holly tries to remember the correct way to count from one to seven, and it's all a bit of silly, light-hearted, makes-you-feel-good romp!


We should point out that all of the fab Team Smeg artwork is designed by our very own series 4000 mech, @KrytenK




In May 2013, the Twitter crew wrote and performed a Red Dwarf 'Twittersode' for Team Smeg. By 'Twittersode' we mean a somewhat budget version of an episode of Red Dwarf....okay, that is, a few degrees more budget than the first budget episodes.....oh for smeg's sake, okay, the Twittersode was held together with blue tac and toilet roll tubes. Anyway, this magnificent epic was called 'Cupboard Love'.


It was about a missing mop, quantum shifting and emergency bum gravy leakage pants (yes, Lister wrote that part).


If you missed what will have by now, gone down as Twitter history (ahem), then you can relive the magic in 3D, blu-ray, surround sound via Storify:




Does what it says on the tin really.


This is a collection of tweets from Red Dwarf fans on Twitter (#TeamSmeg) saying what it is about the small rouge one that they love the most.


You can read the whole wonderful tribute here:


The Team Smeg Smegmas panto performed on Monday 16 December 2013, with very special guest star Mark Dexter (Howard Rimmer in Red Dwarf, Trojan).


The script was written (pilfered) by @KrytenK and @Katerina_SciOfc.


If you'd like to re-live the magic or experience this panto classic for the first time, you can read the whole thing in blu-ray, 3D, digital surround sound right here: The script is also available on Storify here:



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